Our association with SBI Foundation over the past four years has been exceptionally rewarding. With their support we have been able to carry out an intensive rural development program called Gram Seva in the Mundargi Taluk with five focus villages.

Infosys Foundation was established to support the less privileged sections of society, create opportunities and strive towards a more equitable society.
Key initiatives
A dedicated team at Infosys Foundation identifies programs in the areas of healthcare, education, arts and culture, destitute care and rural development.
Assisting with provision of desperately needed drinking water by tanker distribution supported and organised by SRDS during the drought time of 2016.

National Bank Of Agriculture and Rural Development
NABARD is set up as an apex Development Bank with a mandate for facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture, small-scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other rural crafts. It also has the mandate to support all other allied economic activities in rural areas, promote integrated and sustainable rural development and secure prosperity of rural areas.

Deshpande Foundation is a non-governmental organization founded in 1996 by Gururaj Deshpande and Jaishree Deshpande. Deshpande Foundation has been supporting and catalysing SRDS’s growth right since its inception. Apart from being incubated by the Deshpande Foundation, we have also been implementing projects with the support of from the Foundation.

MicroGraam Social Development Foundation
The goal of MSDF To build a model through which, with relatively small sums of money, we can enable thousands of people to move away from economic and humanitarian assistance towards development and growth. We enable rural individuals to obtain small loans for education, farming or business from urban professionals. For certain types of businesses, entrepreneurs can obtain funds in the form of profit-sharing investments rather than loans.
Gramalaya was established in 1987 with a group of committed youths in the field of rural development. Gramalaya has got its legal entity by registering under the Indian Trust Act of 1882 with a registration No.72/87 on 11.6.1987. The ultimate goal of Gramalaya is to work for the amelioration of socially downtrodden people under the integrated rural development approach. Since 1987, Gramalya has been operating in Thottiyam and Thathaiengarpet and Thuraiyur Block in the rural areas and in the slums of Tiruchirappalli City Corporation in Tiruchirappalli District. SRDS is working together with their support to install toilets in the villages of the Dharwad District.

The Chronic Care Foundation
CCF is committed to empowering the community with an accessible, efficient health care system that improves the safety and quality of care of patients with chronic, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and kidney disease in India; through prevention, advocacy, education and collaboration amongst stakeholders within the community. Our work with the Chronic Care Foundation – National Program on Prevention of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases (NPPNCCD).

Assist SRDS with backing and finance for our Self Help Groups and Micofinancing. With their valued support our 600 + SHG’s are able to support women in their small business ventures and assist them to rise out of poverty.

Has assisted and supported the work SRDS and rain water harvesting through bore well recharge in public bore wells in Maharasthra.
Save Indian Farmers is a non-profit registered in US to help distressed farmer families in India. Since 2016 they have partnered with SRDS to assist in the implementation of bore well recharge systems in a number of different areas including the Bede District in Maharashtra.
Their valued support is on going.

Sunita S Godbole – President – Womens Legal Forum for Co-Operative Housing Societies is promoting and assisting SRDS to spread the word about the benefits and advantages of rooftop rainwater harvesting for Mumbai Housing Societies. Mrs Godhole can be contacted on 95941 50430 for any enquiries for Mumbai.

Water Harvest Foundation (Aus)
Telling stories to invite change. Partnering with SRDS to assist their work with borewell recharge systems and increasing the awareness of the importance of rainwater harvesting throughout our world.
Fincare Small Finance Bank