SRDS Team is a dynamic group serving the needs of the rural community through rain water harvesting with borewell recharge, and Self Help Groups providing microfinance and financial literacy training to women in the village.

in recent months, our team has grown to encompass the needs of the projects being carried out – with the support of Sustain Plus, SBI Bank and Save Indian Farmers. Area Development Projects require a team that is pulling together and supporting each other on a daily basis. We are proud of the efforts of our team members.

Umesh Mugali
Chief Accounts Officer – a highly dedicated staff member who is committed to the success and smooth running of SRDS and is ready to step up to any task.

Arunkumar C Giriyapur – Director ( Research, Innovation and Technology) –
passionate about creating impact on rural areas of India. He has been working from the last 10+ years in Automation and Robotics and applications in agriculture. Arun leads and guides the efforts of SRDS in deep science, technology and innovation.

Akbar Meeranaik – team leader of bore well recharge field team – has worked steadfastly on recharge systems throughout Telanagana, Andra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

Laxmi Inchal –
accounts assistant – Laxmi is a very valued team member in our Hubbali office.